Whiplash & How To Treat It

Whiplash & How To Treat It


Chiropractic care after an auto accident injury is imperative. Whiplash doesn't always manifest itself immediately. You should, however, make an appointment asap to visit Donnelson Chiropractic Clinic in Nashville, TN. Getting evaluated right away can help your chiropractor to start treatment immediately. If necessary, x-rays may be taken to help with the diagnosis.

Chiropractic Adjustments

The force of an auto accident can cause a variety of injuries, not all of which are visible. Your vertebrae may have been pushed out of alignment, which can result in stiffness in the neck and shoulders. A gentle adjustment to the neck or upper back can get things back where they belong.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression stretches the spine to make more room between the vertebrae. When the vertebrae are compressing the disc or the nerves, it can result in pain, and decompression can help to relieve this pressure.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can relieve the neck and shoulder pains you may suffer after an auto accident. It helps the soft tissues to relax and also makes them more receptive to other chiropractic treatments. Massage therapy is good for the body and the mind and relaxing is a good thing after an auto accident.

Cold Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy uses light to help repair tissues that have been injured. It provides relief from pain and inflammation that can result when your neck is snapped back and forth. It also accelerates healing on a cellular level.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Your neck and upper shoulders can take a beating from the snapping motion of an auto accident. Low levels of electricity cause the muscles to contract, and it tires them out, which helps them to relax and reduces pain and stiffness.

Chiropractor in Nashville, TN

When you need a chiropractor in Nashville, TN to treat an auto accident injury, you can count on Donnelson Chiropractic Clinic. We offer treatment for whiplash and much more. Give our office a call for an appointment. The sooner you call, the sooner your healing begins.


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